José Alberto Mar. Com tecnologia do Blogger.


New Worlds - Nuevos Mundos - Novos Mundos



 From poet to poet: "Who is the one who sings without condition? It is Joseph the man of dreams.* "But also from the poet to the visual artist, in a dual declaration of freedom concerning the frontiers of language, or even of the world itself, heading new worlds in which from the ordinary, the Other and the Other else are created. Thus, if in the plastic work of José Alberto Mar we recognize ourselves before signs related to nature (suns, moons, flowers, butterflies) and related to the human being (hearts, eyes, inner flames, heads, crosses), we harmonize ourselves before universal archetypes of geometrical formal root, we become amazed, however, at the metamorphosis of the signs in a process of morphogenesis that has gradually been emphasized by the ontological course of the artist's work, where quest and revelation emerge indivisible. In such a way, that in these (im)possible universes that we are allowed to glimpse, the look surprises itself, but it does not migrate since the other self who affirms himself is deeply rooted in both the human being and nature as an assumption of the transcendent. From another angle, in this display we encounter again a performance between colour and its absence, the intense line, in two-dimensional, three-dimensional forms - and suggestions of other planes – as well as the ethereal signs of ours and of other new languages, that is, all that derives from a symbolic calligraphy. But again, it seems to us that the unmistakable imprint of José Alberto Mar's art flows naturally from the existential matrix of the poet, painter - and visionary - and also from a radical freedom of the being and the existing as an assumed celebration of life. Anyhow, “Who is the one who sings without condition? It is Joseph the man of dreams.”

* (Poet, Ruy Belo, Homem de Palavras)

poeta Sofia Moraes. Translation: Dr.ª  Isaura Pereira

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